Muscle Pull

Muscle Pull

Muscle Pull Treatment

Supported by Computerized Holistic Diagnosis including Preventive Diagnosis, this is another first from pioneers of holistic healthcare movement, Ethos offers revolutionary Complicated Sickness Clinic. If you are suffering from pain or disease for a long time and you have been to many doctors without any significant or sustained relief then this is just for you.

Medical science has made enormous progress and it has indeed helped mankind a great deal. But despite that sometimes it is not able to help people suffering from pain or disease. In such state people have no option but to continue with pain killers, suppress sickness with increasing dosage of medicine or keep running from one doctor to another in search of relief. This is where Ethos Holistic Wellness Protocol comes to care.

There are various reasons or factors which can lead to insignificant relief in treatment. Some are:

  • Strange symptoms
  • Genetic disorders
  • Multi System ailments
  • Multi Factorial ailments
  • Psychosomatic ailments
  • Idiopathic ailments or unknown aetiology (cause)
  • Idiosyncratic conditions
  • Resistant ailments/ non reactive cases
  • No / nonspecific option in allopathy / conventional medicine
  • Iatrogenic ailments (including side effects of medicines)
  • Advanced cases
  • When nothing works