Pain Management

Pain find the cause-dont just treat the pain

Did you know that over 75 million people in the USA alone have some sore of chronic pain and reoccurring pain. Pain is one of the major causes of employees missing work and disability. This is according to research from the Journal of General Internal Medicine published in their issue for June 2008. Believe it or not, no one has been able to figure out the best way to relieve pain.


Ibunex and Gluconex creams deliver the benefits of Ibuprofen & Glucosamine without the negative side effects associated with taking oral pain relievers.


The natural ILEX base allows BIOFREEZE to be absorbed quickly for fast, deep penetrating pain relief.


Fast-acting gel begin to work immediately when massaged onto affected areas, a light, refreshing citrus scent of orange peel extract.


For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with arthritis, simple backache, spasms and strains. Contains Methyl Salicylate, Menthol, Lidocaine and HCI.

I really hate to see people in pain. Please keep in mind, that I am not a physician or have any experience in pain, pain management or physical therapy. I just think, that instead of just treating the pain area, that some more effort should go into locating the real source of the pain. This just seems to me to be an efficient way of locating the cause of the pain.

a) Find out where the pain is really coming from by determining if the pain is caused by the area where the pain is located or if it is caused by the nervous system.

b) If the pain is coming from the pain area, find out which activities are causing the most pain by having your patient list every activity that causes their pain and next to each activity put a number next to the activity that would rate the extent of the pain.

c) Create a Rating list for the physician and the client. So both can refer to them as they do that activity and as treatment is provided to see if the rating has improved or not.

d) Re rate the pain after the number of visits that the physician determines improvement should be noted.

I realize that this doesn’t stop the pain but finding the cause instead of just treating the pain maybe a step in the right direction. In the meantime the gels listed above and more can be purchased from the site by health care professionals or for the end user you can go to I would like to hear from anyone their thoughts, ideas, solutions and/or remedies for Low back Pain, pain management.

Pain Management

Stomach Pain Relief

Stomach pain relief is something that can easily make your day allot more enjoyable. People who suffer from abdominal pains know exactly how uncomfortable it is at any time of the day. Whether its in public or at home its never a pleasant experience. Some people were born with this problems and other may develop it. Abdominal pains can also be very painful while others can be more disturbing. Your stomach is active allot, constantly digesting foods and its very important to keep it happy and healthy. Because of that its very important to seek medical consultation if you suffer from stomach aches often.

Stomach aches can range from very little pain or pressure to unbearable conditions. Sometimes it may be cause because of something you ate or because of an illness you might not even know about. What ever that cause may be, its important to keep you internal organs healthy at any time in order to enjoy the activities you love most.

Some people cannot digest certain foods causing vomiting,diarrhoea or stomach aches. This may not be the case of everyone, because pain can also be caused of organ in the abdominal cavity. Organs such as; the liver and the stomach may be the cause of abdominal pain. Since there are many different possible scenarios its best to seek medical advise in order to fully treat your pain.

Pain can also be cured easily by taking over-the-counter medication. Some are in liquid form while others are directed to be mixed with others. These certain medication are easily available and quite cheap, making them a must have for anyone suffering from stomach pains. Other medical products can also be used to cure aches, such as heat pads and hot water bottles. These equipments are also cheap on the pocket and effective at times to.

Unfortunately, not all abdominal pains can be cured with over-the-counter medical products, some have to be fully diagnosed in a medical facility in order to reveal the exact source and to treat it. Your doctor may ask you the following questions about your stomach pain in order to plan a treatment;

  • location of pain
  • severity of pain
  • type of pain ( eg. pinching)
  • time of pain
  • etc.

Your doctor may also run some test such as your blood test which can also help to determine the exact cause of your pain. Not all cases are that serious some may just require a simple change in diet. Along with pain people also suffer from indigestion and heartburn which all fall under the same category. Because of that most pain relief medication will also help to relieve heartburn and indigestion . Other medication may only focus on gas relief which may also cure the stomach ache.

Please note that you should not rely on any information or product that we provide. I take no guarantee for any thing, all information was based on personal knowledge. Please consult a doctor for more information about your stomach pains.

Pain Management

Chronic Pain and Trigger Points

According to a new report by the Institute of Medicine, “Chronic pain affects an estimated 116 million American adults–more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined.” Chronic pain is defined as “severe pain that lasts 30 to 60 days or more and taxes one’s professional and private life.” (Time) What is the cause of so much pain and suffering? There is a good chance that myofascial trigger points (TrP) may be to blame.

What is a TrP?

Myofascial TrPs are hyper-sensitive knots in skeletal muscle and fascial tissue. The spot is painful with pressure and can cause referred pain-pain that manifests away from the TrP site. Trigger points are extremely common and are a primary cause of chronic pain.

What causes a Trp?

A TrP forms in fascial tissue affected by mechanical stress or overload, which may be due to acute trauma, poor posture, repetitive movement, over-training, or inadequate sleep. The affected tissue contracts (shortens) and blood flow can become restricted, leading to a metabolic backup; poor nutrient delivery and waste product build up within the tissue. The build up of waste forms a toxic glue that adheres to surrounding tissue causing joint and movement restrictions, neurological impingement, and pain.

Trigger Point Symptoms

TrP cause motor dysfunction, stiffness, and restricted range of motion; resulting in overload to the central nervous system. The neuromuscular system becomes stressed, causing weakness, fatigue, numbness, tingling, balance problems, headaches or migraines; chronic pain and injury; less efficient motor skill performance, and a long list of other symptoms.

“The severity of symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points ranges from agonizing incapacitating pain caused by very active TrP to the painless restriction of movement and distortion of posture due to latent trigger points that are so commonly overlooked.” (Travell & Simmons’)

Active TrPs can cause headaches, neck and jaw pain, or low back pain. Often symptoms are misdiagnosed as arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or a ligament injury. TrPs can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, earaches, sinusitis, nausea, heartburn, false heart pain, heart arrhythmia, genital pain, and numbness in the hands and feet. Even painful disorders such as fibromyalgia have been connected to myofascial trigger points.

There is also an emotional toll to chronic pain. Anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and fatigue often accompany chronic pain and affect one’s ability to cope in their daily life.

Prevention and treatment of chronic pain is often “delayed, inaccessible, or inadequate.” (ABC News)

Trigger point therapy

Trigger point therapy is a specialized form of massage therapy. Treatment consists of ischemic compression: concentrated pressure placed directly on a specific myofascial trigger point to break cycles of pain and spasm. Passive stretching and corrective exercises are also utilized. Trigger point therapy restores muscle tone and balance; enhances the function of muscle and joint biomechanics; improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage; and reduces painful spasms. Trigger point therapy can be part of a comprehensive program complementing all other health care modalities.

Pain Management

Acupuncture for diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease wherein the body is unable to properly metabolize sugar. The percentage of people with diabetes is rising rapidly as obesity increases. Complications of diabetes include blindness, heart disease, circulation problems, kidney disease, eye disease, and erectile dysfunction.

Acupuncture has been used to treat diabetes for over 2000 years. The acupuncture points used to treat diabetes are all over the body and on several meridians

Acupuncture can help diabetic patients in the following ways:

  • lower blood glucose content
  • reducing appetite and thirst
  • lower the release of pancreatic glucagons
  • attenuate symptoms of polyphagia (the urge to eat too much), polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyuria (excessive passage of urine)
  • prevent slowing of motor nerve conduction
  • manage cholesterol levels
  • improve microcirculation and myocardial contractility;
  • enhance blood outflow and regulate vascular peripheral resistance;
  • exert antiatherogenic, antioxidant and immunomodulating effects;
  • obliterate antheroscelerosis of the legs;
  • induce secretion of endogenous beta-endorphin;
  • elevate a lowered pain threshold; and
  • Increase cell proliferation and neuropeptide Y levels.

Acupuncture treatments for diabetics are usually on-going and used long-term to manage symptoms of diabetes. Treatments are recommended 1-2 times per week in relation to blood sugar levels and symptoms. Acupuncture is usually combined with herbal remedies for best results.

Pain Management

How acupuncture works

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine in which fine needles are inserted into the skin at certain points on the body.

The technique of acupuncture involves placing hair-thin needles in various pressure points (called acupoints) throughout the body. Approximately 2,000 different acupuncture points lie along the body’s meridians. Stimulating these points is believed to promote the body’s natural healing capabilities and enhance its function.

Acupuncture treatment is said to work by regulating a flow of energy in the body called qi, or chi, a central tenet to TCM. Disruptions in the flow of qi are thought to be responsible for all disease. Acupuncture stimulates points on or under the skin called acupuncture points or acupressure points, releasing the qi. The qi travels through channels called meridians.

The needles are left in place for 15-30 minutes, and the practitioner may manipulate the needles to strengthen or reduce the flow of Qi. Lifting, twisting, and rotating are some of the needling techniques a practitioner may use. Inserting needles at these points stimulates various sensory receptors that, in turn, stimulate nerves that transmit impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary system at the base of the brain.

If you choose to have acupuncture, make sure that your acupuncturist is fully qualified and practices the treatment under safe and hygienic conditions.

Pain Management

Pain Management Tips

Tips for pain management begin with medications. Medications are often the first component of a pain management strategy. However, many persons do not understand how to use pain medications effectively. During an immediate post-operative period, for example, pain medications should be taken on a regular schedule to avoid peaks and lows in pain. In other words, take your medicine around the clock. If it has been ordered every four hours, take it every four hours. Pain causes biochemical changes in the body that can interfere with healing. After the first week, you can begin to increase the length of time between doses, or substitute milder medications for some of the doses.

If you have chronic pain, or nerve-related pain, a triad of medications can be very helpful. Using a pain medication along with an antidepressant and an anticonvulsant enhances the action of the pain medication, allowing you to use less of it, but still can effective results. This approach works well with long-term back pain, neuropathy, and fibromyalgia pain.

Whenever you are taking opioid (formerly called narcotic) pain medications, you need to have a bowel plan as these medications slow down the muscle action of the bowels and produce constipation. An effective recipe is: 1 cup of applesauce, mixed with 1 cup of bran ceral, such as Grape Nuts or All-bran, and cup of prune juice. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and eat one tablespoon every time you take a pain pill. Your doctor may have given you stool softeners or laxatives. Do not use them along with the mixture, unless you are severely constipated.

In addition to pain medications, there are comfort measures that play a role in pain management tips. Ice and heat are both excellent therapies. Apply heat for muscles and ice for nerve or bone pain. Or use both, heat first followed by ice. Limit the application of ice to twenty minutes for one location, but you can always move the ice bag to a new spot near the original to continue the application. When you are icing an extremity, you can also apply ice anywhere lower than the site of the injury and have relief of pain at the site of injury. Having knee pain? Wrap ice around your ankle, after the twenty minutes on the knee.

Your diet can also impact your pain. Try to eat four to six small meals per day at regular times to keep your blood sugar level. Avoid sugar and sweets, and caffeine, which increase perception of pain. A 30-30-60 diet with 30% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 60% fruits and vegetables provides the nutrients needed for healing and good health. Certain foods, such as cherries, also provide some anti-inflammatory effects, although the effect is not as pronounced or quick as taking medications.

Pain management tips also include exercise. Moderate exercise preceded by stretching to warm up the muscles has now become the primary strategy to manage back pain. Drinking water after exercising is also important because it flushes out the lactic acid exercising has released from the muscles.

Distraction frees the mind from focusing on pain, and can bring short-term, but often highly effective relief from pain. When the distraction, such as laughing while watching a funny movie or exercising, releases endorphins, additional pain relief can be achieved.

Relying on pain medications alone as a pain management strategy neglects several other valuable and effective tips to manage your pain. Consider adding heat or ice, improved diet, gentle exercise, and distraction to your pain management strategies.