
Gout is one form of an arthritic inflammation wherein deposits of uric acid form hard nodules in tissues. This is a result of an overproduction of uric acid in the blood or decreased excretion of it through urination. The most common site for gout is in the first metatarsal of the big toe, but it can also affect the joints of the feet, ankles, and knees.
Gout can either be acute (affecting one joint) or chronic (long-standing, recurring episodes of pain and inflammation that may affect more than one joint). This condition is present more in men than women, and generally appears after age 30. For women, gout appears more often after menopause. It is uncommon in children.
Gout is thought to be caused by an inherited abnormality to properly metabolize foods that contain purines. Purines are found in certain meat and meat products like anchovies, sardines, liver, beef kidneys, meat extracts, herring, mackerel, scallops, game meats, and gravies made from them. Excessive weight gain may also contribute to gout susceptibility.
Because gout is a deficiency of uric acid metabolism, close monitoring of one’s dietary habits is paramount. It is generally recommended to avoid high fat foods (salad dressings, ice cream, and fried foods), eat a vegetarian diet, avoid alcohol, drink plenty of water (at least 8 cups daily) and partake in healthy lifestyle habits of proper nutrition for an optimal weight loss regimen (no more than 2 lbs of weight loss per week).
Signs and symptoms of gout include:
Excruciating pain (crushing, throbbing, etc.) in the joints of the big toe, knees, feet, and/or ankles.
The affected joint feels warm and appears red.
Pain increases gradually, peaks after a few hours, then decreases gradually.
Pain may be accompanied by low fever, chills, headache, and/or nausea.
Usually occurs with kidney-related dysfunctions or renal calculi (kidney stones).
Homeopathy may be a long-term solution for people experiencing gout. Homeopathic treatment is individualized to each person’s unique symptom expression. In general, a homeopath views health as a condition of the entire individual rather than in terms of isolated symptoms from specific locations of the body. That said, a homeopath will seek to understand, in detail, your physical symptoms along with your mental/emotional disposition and character. Upon such an analysis, a homeopathic remedy will be selected that seeks to initiate the inherent healing response of your body. This healing response will act simultaneously in all levels of your being: mentally, emotionally, and physically. In this way, people who experience gout can be helped through homeopathic treatment.
Below is a brief list of homeopathic remedies, and their corresponding indications, for people experiencing gout.
Benzoic Acid: Very helpful for arthritis, gout, and the deformity of joints. The person feels relieved when discharging sediment through the urine. Affects especially the knees, ankles, toes, and hands. Marked cracking of the joints upon motion.
Colchicum: This is one of the most important homeopathic remedies for people experiencing gout. The joint becomes hot, red, swollen, and exquisitely sensitive to being touched or moved. Worse at night, from the slightest motion, and from cold, damp weather.
Ledum: Pains that feel better from the cold (soaking, compresses, weather, etc.). Useful for acute gout of the knee or ankle. Worse at night in bed, and from heat. Ascending pains (first affects the toes, then knees, later hips, and hands).
Berberis: Gouty pain as if a nail was in the ball of the foot upon standing. Gout that occurs in the knee, especially the left one. Pain that comes on from arising from a seat.
Causticum: Gout with a deformity of the toes. Calcification and advanced deterioration of the joints.
These are just a few of the many homeopathic remedies that can help people experiencing gout. Please note this list is not comprehensive. For your best results, please consult with a qualified homeopath.
In this article I outlined the definition of gout; its signs, symptoms, and etiology. Healthy lifestyle recommendations were added, specifically related to the diet. Lastly, homeopathic remedies were offered, with their corresponding indications for people experiencing gout.