Menopausal Syndrome

How to treat troubling symptoms of menopause.
Every woman has to go through a testing period of menopause that brings dramatic changes in life. Menopause has a great impact on a woman’s life. Battling physical symptoms and the psychological aspect of menopause is a daunting task.
You need to be prepared if you want to go through this period of turmoil with relative ease, for that knowledge about the cause of menopausal syndrome, it’s symptoms and available treatment is essential.
Menopausal syndrome consists of all symptoms arising due to hormonal changes as the menstrual cycle ends. Menopause is a natural process of ageing. It generally happens around the age of 45 to 55. Ovaries lower the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone; ovaries also stop the production of eggs. It causes upheaval in a woman’s life as a period of fertility ends.
Causes of Menopausal Syndrome:
- Menopause is a natural process as ovaries reduce the production of the hormone estrogen. It leads to irregular menstrual cycle that eventually stops altogether. These hormonal changes are the main cause of menopausal syndrome
- Estrogen hormone regulates how the body uses calcium; its lower level can lead up to osteoporosis. It’s a condition that makes bones weak that are prone to sudden fractures.
- Estrogen also regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, thus now a low level of estrogen makes women susceptible to heart diseases.
Symptoms of menopausal syndrome:
- Hot flashes: It’s the main symptom seen in most women. Heat is felt on any body part suddenly; it can cause flushed face, sweating, etc. Some women have hot flashes for many years after menopause.
- Other symptoms include night sweats, insomnia, dry vagina, headaches, joint pain, weight gain, etc.
- Facial hair growth can happen due to hormonal changes.
- Memory loss: Minor memory loss is also common in some women.
- Depression: Menopause causes sudden hormone changes, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, and fear, etc. This all can cause depression.
- Bladder control problem: Low estrogen causes problems in the lining of the bladder. Pelvic floor muscle weakens causing bladder problems
Menopausal Syndrome treatment:
You should consult menopausal syndrome doctor before pursuing any treatment options.
- Hormone therapy: The first treatment is taking estrogen hormone alone. It’s given in a low dosage after hysterectomy. If a woman has a uterus, then a combination of estrogen and progesterone is given. Hormone therapy helps with symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness.
- Diet: Make changes in diet like consuming less caffeine, less spicy food, etc. Eat food containing estrogen-like soybean, chickpeas, fruits etc.
- Menopausal syndrome exercise helps with insomnia, fear, and anxiety.
The best treatment for menopausal syndrome is acupuncture. Hormonal therapy can have many side effects like high chances of developing gallstones and blood clots etc. If you want to avoid these serious side effects, then natural traditional Chinese treatment method like acupuncture is a way to go. It concentrates on points in women responsible for hormonal balance. It helps by naturally regulating hormone levels.