
An alternative treatment to that buzzing or ringing sound in your ears is tinnitus homeopathy. It is seen as a New Age treatment and not taken seriously in some parts of the US, but it has gained a foothold in other parts. Homeopathy treats the patient by mixing together plants, minerals, and animal extracts that produce the same effect as the symptoms that you are feeling. When ingested in small doses, the artificial symptoms caused by the remedy can miraculously trigger the body’s natural fighting abilities, which then neutralizes or eliminates the disease.
Tinnitus homeopathy is one of the areas that has been researched extensively. Remedies for different symptoms of tinnitus have already been tested and are now being recommended to tinnitus sufferers. Homeopathy makes use of succusion, which means to shake until all the original particles are dissolved in the mixture. Drinking the remedy can provide relief from the symptoms.
One thing that sufferers need to understand is like any medicine, tinnitus homeopathy remedies do not work overnight. Sometimes, you need to give it a few weeks before you feel the symptoms subside. This is especially true for people who have had the ringing in the ears for a long time and have been gradually going deaf. Also, each person may present with different symptoms and will need different mixtures and dosages. Tinnitus homeopathy remedies need to be studied carefully and recommended by a doctor before ingestion. Failure to do so may add to the symptoms instead of treating it.
Once you have listed down all the symptoms associated with your tinnitus, homeopathy demands that you match these with minerals, plants, or animal extracts that produce the same symptom in order to provide treatment and relief. Here is a list of the more common tinnitus homeopathy remedies available and what are the symptoms that it can treat.
Calcarea Carbonica – tinnitus that is experience with vertigo can be treated with this remedy. This will work for people who are easily chilled, craving sweets while experiencing the buzzing, and tires easily.
Cimicifuga – useful for people who are sensitive to sound and experience body pain. Other indications that this remedy should be taken include headaches, depression when feeling unwell, and when experiencing problems during the monthly period.
Coffea cruda – since coffee contains caffeine, this is recommended to excitable people who suffer from a ringing in the ears. A symptom this can cure is insomnia that is caused by over stimulation.
Graphites – this tinnitus homeopathy remedy sounds unusual, but can work wonders for people who have tinnitus and associated deafness. This is accompanied by crackling or hissing sounds that mimic gunshots and can cure poor concentration.
Make sure to find the right dosage and take these at the proper intervals to ensure that the tinnitus homeopathy remedy is maximized and easily absorbed by your body.